In trying to sketch more often (every day WOULD be nice, but the resolve only holds so long) I went over to the U-District to sketch after I ran an errand. I wanted to record Weaving Works, because this establishment, recently announced they would move before 2014. As I chose my spot to sketch, there was the painted mural wall of another business, Brooklyn Frame. It's a bit disorienting, so I think this sketch is okay to record for history, but it would need re-working, or a better viewpoint) to stand as a "painting." So what's the difference? Juanita keeps asking me that. We'll chat about it next time.
When I started drawing a year and a half ago, pretty much everything I looked at suddenly begged to be sketched (though I am still just gaining the skills that will someday enable me to sketch whatever I want -- as you can!). Maybe you are seeing more because you've decided you're going to sketch more! :-)