Greetings, Who am I to blog? Throughout the years, many friends and acquaintances have enjoyed my artwork and urged me to sell it, or make cards, or hey! "Publish a book!" That may never happen, but with this blog, perhaps I can share my art and what all goes into "making art."

First though, there are just a few things you need to know about me. I grew up in the world of nature, classical music, and art. I was deeply influenced by my grandfather, Charles Burchfield, who is one of America's foremost watercolor artists. (Read about him at the Burchfield-Penney Art Center in Buffalo, N.Y. or the Kennedy Gallery in NYC) My mother was also influenced by his art, since she also painted landscape watercolors plein air. It was a very natural thing for me to sketch from real life, on-the-spot. The only training I ever received was during my high school years. Ed Swanekamp knew my family background, and taught me how to handle watercolors. His advice: "Develop what is within you; don't ever let anyone tell you how to paint."

And so it evolved over the years, sometimes with great fervor, sometimes because I don't know why; it was what I did. Often I went about painting and sketching with enthusiasm, imagining how a scene would turn out, only to see something entirely different, and not as good emerge. It was a love-hate thing at times. I was aware enough to realize early on that I did not want to try to make a living from my art; I wanted to be free to paint when I wanted, not because I needed a paycheck.
There were long periods when I set my art aside, as I worked on a career, and on raising 3 children. But what's within you does not die...Many years later, when I became free to travel around the US in an RV, I started filling blank sketchbooks with my version of a botanical drawing. These detailed renderings of unique weeds and wildflowers from all over the US also served as my journal - my memory - of where I was, what was happening, and how I felt. They were "decorated" with calligraphy, and borders, and each one was infinitely fascinating.
OKay, time out! Let's take a break, and I will scan in some of those drawings so you can see what I'm talking about. And we can continue the bio next time. And, thanks for your interest in my work.
PS. I just uploaded some of the 500 botanical drawings I've done to this site Stay tuned for more!
Peg, I just found your blog. Having been in Ed Swanakamp's classes with you and seeing your sketches is exciting. One of my prized posessions is the painting your Mom gave me. It still hangs proudly on my living room wall. I remember our meeting in Rutland then reconnecting briefly in Orchard Park. I am still married to Kathy, we have 4 adult children and 7 grand children.